
The Ethanol Myth

In an excellent article in Real Clear Politics by ABC Correspondent John Stossel, the myth that ethanol is the answer to all of our problems associated with fossil fuels - pollution, dependence on foreign oil, cost - are all false.

Rather than quote out the article, you should read the whole thing. It's short and sweet:

The Many Myths of Ethanol

Two things strike me:

1. Why are politicians so eager to IGNORE the facts Stossel proclaims? Are these facts hard to find? Obviously not. So, the motive must not be ignorance. What, then, is it?

2. How did the myths gain a foothold in our modern political debate? Could it be that the fraudulence of the Gore Warming Mythology is too obvious for most public-school-educated people to grasp? Or is this a concerted effort by the Global Warming Fascists to obfuscate their real intentions: the decline of western dominance in world leadership?

The answers are not as complicated as one would think. One only has to look past the transparent rhetoric to see the truth.

Stossel's article is a good start in that direction.



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