
Hey, Al! it's Getting Hot Up Here!

Al Gore is in the midst of writing his second book about Global Warming. In it he will no doubt continue the populist screed against western society and its evironmental dangers, so obvious to everyone hooked on tofu smoothies.

Some news has come in that The Loser will surely ignore: it seems Mars is undergoing its own period of Global Warming.

These articles state:

    Scientists have suspected in recent years that Mars might be undergoing some sort of global warming. New data points to the possibility it is emerging from an ice age.

    "One explanation could be that Mars is just coming out of an ice age," Feldman said. "In some low-latitude areas, the ice has already dissipated. In others, that process is slower and hasn't reached an equilibrium yet. Those areas are like the patches of snow you sometimes see persisting in protected spots long after the last snowfall of the winter."

Global Warming on Mars. Why is this happening?

If Mars is truly "coming our of an ice age," as the evidence suggests, and if there is no contributing environmental factors to the warming like "greenhouse gases," then the only reasonable explanation is that the causitive factors are outside the planetary system.

Now, we know the earth is warming. That is clear. Junk science claims that man is the culprit - that forces within the environmental system are the primary causitive factors. Computer models have "shown" that "greenhouse gases" trap heat, and this is the primary engine for the earth's heating.

But, if Mars is experiencing a global warming trend concurrently with the earth, then something else must be driving the temperature increases.

    If both Mars and Earth are experiencing global warming, then perhaps there is a larger phenomenon going on in the Solar System that is causing their global climates to change.

Clearly, one such factor is the increase in solar activity:

    Records of sunspot activity suggest that solar output has been rising slightly for about 100 years. However, only measurements of what is known as total solar irradiance gathered by satellites orbiting since 1978 are considered scientifically reliable, he said.

    But observations over those years were flawed by the space shuttle Challenger disaster, which prevented the launching of a new solar output detecting satellite called ACRIM 2 to replace a previous one called ACRIM 1.

[Scientists are now suggesting that the gap in reliable data is not as problematic as originally thought:]

Bottom line: Solar activity has had a larger impact on earth's climate than junk global warming science is willing to admit. This article is quick to point out that this conclusion doesn't lessen the impact of "greenhouse gases" on our climate, a caveat that sheds more light on the entrenchment of the global warming orthodoxy than it does in corroborating man's negative impact on the planet.

What's clear from these readings is that global warming is not a local trend - that it is a solar system-wide trend. Thus, it is out of our control to cause, and to correct.

Earth to Al!



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