
How To Deal With Idiots

Well, by now you've heard about the controversy surrounding Rush Limbaugh over the alleged phrase "phony soldier." Liberals and their cohorts in the mainstream media want you to believe Rush said this in reference to ANY soldier who criticizes the war in Iraq.

That is a lie.

Rush was referring to a few people who NEVER went to Iraq, but who claim they DID, and who were "witness" to atrocities committed by U.S. troops against the Iraqi people; atrocities that NEVER HAPPENED.

Despite the fact that these phony soldiers have been outed by the press, and that Harry Reid and his Democrat Senator colleagues KNEW FULL WELL Rush was referring to the real phonies, NOT to legitimate soldiers who express their opinion about the war, Reid tried to push through a resolution in the SENATE condemning Limbaugh.

That failed. Reid's second-best effort resulted in a letter to Clear Channel, Rush's syndicator, demanding an apology by Rush. Clear Channel refused, and the CEO turned the letter over to Limbaugh.

In an absolutely BRILLIANT move, here's what Limbaugh is going to do with the letter:

You can bid on it here:


Proceeds are going to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation.

Dittos, indeed!



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