Poor Babs
Ya gotta love Barbara StreisandIt's really the only way you can put up with her boundless stupdity and whiney celebrity.
It's been a long 5 years for the Simpering Streisand. George Bush's 2000 Presidential victory seemed to shake loose all the remaining gray cells that clung desperately to the inside of her cranium. Her involvement in the 2004 presidential election did nothing to help John Kerry.
Then there was that flap over the California Coastal Records Project publishing a photo of her home in Malibu. Remember? She went after the photographer for $50,000,000! That's 50 MILLION!
Fortunately for sanity, she lost, and was forced this year to pay the photographer's attorney fees.
Here's the complete story, including the offending photograph.
Now, despite Babs' consistent refusal to look things squarely on, she continues to crank out the rants on her private blog.
The one I intended to comment on today is dated July 21, 2005. In it she states:
How lucky for George Bush that his well-timed nomination of Judge Roberts to the Supreme Court has taken the heat off of Karl Rove. Let's hope that the press does not forget about Mr. Rove and the White House's role in the leak of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity....
....Let's hope that the media does not take the bait as the President continues to do everything in his power to shift the spotlight away from Karl Rove. We'll be watching...
You can read the whole thing here.
Now, here's what Babs is not telling you:
- She is still sorely pissed at Carl Rove for winning 2000 and 2004 for George Bush, as well as winning GOP seats in congress in 2002 (traditionally a time when the party in the White House loses congressional seats).
- She sniffed blood when Rove's name came up over the alleged "outing" of Valerie Plame, CIA employee and former covert operative.
- Plame was actually "outed" over ten years prior to Novak publishing her name by Cuba, a country Babs admires.
- The law is very clear that a covert operative has to be "outed" within 5 years of his/her losing covert status in order for their to be a crime.
- Neither Novak nor Rove broke the law.
- Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, was actually the one who "outed" his wife to Novak!
- Babs loves Wilson, because he hates Bush, so she will never admit the truth about him.
- President Bush did not plan Sandra O'Conner's retirement from the Supreme Court.
- Therefore, his nomination of Roberts was not "well-timed", nor was it part of Bush's "continu[ing] to do everything in his power to shift the spotlight away from Karl Rove".
Bad luck for Babs?
Not really.
Here's why:
Cindy Sheehan is now a left-wing media star, and has been dominating the front pages for almost three weeks.
Don't tell me you don't know who Cindy Sheehan is: the mother who was camped out in Crawford, TX, waiting for the President to talk to her about her son, who was killed in Iraq (forget the fact Cindy already talked with Bush: that doesn't count).
Now, when Roberts dominated the front pages because of his nomination to fill the Supreme Court vacancy of retiring O'Conner, Babs had her hissy-fit, reminding her friends in the media not to forget Carl Rove.
Yet, when Sheehan dominates the front pages, effectively deep-sixing the Rove story for good, Babs writes about the 60th Anniversary of Hiroshima!
Where's the rage at the press for bumping Rove for Sheehan?
There is none, precisely because Sheehan is trying to make Bush look bad. Because Sheehan is parroting the same stupid liberal rants that spill from Babs' brain.
They're on the same team.
So, it's not really about Rove, Roberts, or Sheehan, is it?
No, it's about hating Bush.
The Big One
So, in revisiting Streisand's blog to pull quotes for this piece, I discover that the Rove story has been bumped down by Babs herself! And in its place is an August 5, 2005 posting about Hiroshima.
Here are the first two sentences:
August 6, 2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the US bombing of Hiroshima. The Atomic Bomb, which decimated the Japanese city and its people, was never used in combat again.
Anyone notice the error here?
Check it out:
ON THIS DAY | 6 | 1945: US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
BBC ON THIS DAY | 9 | 1945: Atom bomb hits Nagasaki
So, who's going to tell Babs she's wrong again?
You simply can't trust liberals in general, and Babs in particular, with the facts.