Buyer's Remorse
Voters Didn't Kick The TiresAre you noticing what I'm noticing?
Driving down the street, are you noticing the dearth of Obama bumper stickers? They seem to be vanishing quicker than the man's credibility. During the election season you couldn't drive a single block without seeing at least one sticker. Now, they're as rare as a gaffless Joe Biden speech.
Drudge is reporting that RASMUSSEN will release a report later today claiming that Obama's approval rating has dipped below 50% for the first time.
Wa happen'?
Well, essentially the American people are coming to the realization that what they were told by Obama's opponents in the 2008 election really IS true: the guy is an empty-headed Chicago talking head who has never run anything in his life. All he knows how to do is talk, and his endless campaigning for the job of president, even six months after his inauguration, is beginning to wear thin in the heartland.
There are those who would suggest that middle America is beginning to catch on to Obama's socialist agenda, but I don't buy that. I don't think your average, Oprah-overdosed family unit gives a hoot about socialism. Wasn't that their grandfather's enemy? Hwah... old stuff. Socialism died with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Right? I mean Chavez is just a mean frat boy, right? Wasn't loved enough by his mother, right?
Something like that.
No, what I think is really causing this turnabout - especially in the minds of Republicans who voted for Obama in order to punish Bush (try not to think of the logic behind that decision TOO much - you'll get a headache) - is the fact that the guy really is an empty suit. Just talk. Talk, talk, talk. And they're tired of his condescending voice ("Let me be clear").
Most Americans were able to forgive Clinton for his endless self-obsession; his easy charm disarmed their questions about his policies. The true problem for Obama is that his charm is not easy, it's forced. Just like the lover who see the man she brought home from the bar the night before in the harsh reality of brutal morning sunlight, voters are wishing they'd kept their legs closed that cold November evening in 2008.
The good news in this is that Obama's policies can no longer hide behind his quickly-eroding charisma. Maybe, a few months after Obama's new-car sheen is just a faded memory, middle America will finally see those policies in the harsh reality of morning.
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