
Red Skelton's America No Longer Exists

"An Individual. A committee of 1."

The individual in America is no longer important. Our owns dreams and aspirations are subject to the approval of PC masses and the State.

"Dedicate all of my worldly good to give without self-pity."

Now it's not "what can I give," but "what can I get." Somehow we have bred the notion that we are all owed something... that we owe no one.

"Love and devotion."

The booty call has run this one into the ground. The sexualization of society has usurped even the concept of love for love's sake.

"Old Glory. A symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves there's respect. Because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts, 'Freedom is everybody's job'."

William Ayers proudly trampling out flag. Obama's "blame America first" agenda. Flag burnings by college students. Spit. Tearing. Our flag is no longer respected around the world because we no longer respect it here at home. Our loyalty has faded; her dignity is gone. She is no longer a symbol of freedom, but of "imperialism." Besides, freedom is overrated; socialism is much cooler.

"United. That mans we have all come together."

Martin Luther King Jr. wanted us all to hold hands. Now we point fingers at each other, race-bait, foment class warfare, drive wedges between genders, between ages, between customs, religions and values.

"...united for a common purpose, and that's love for country."

States have become entities of self-gratification, thumbing their noses at unity and common law.

"And government is the people, and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people."

Try telling that to a Pelosi, Reid, or Obama. Our leaders want to tell us which doctor we can see, how much money we can make in our job, where we can work, how long we can live, where we can go, what we can bring with us, what we can say, who we can associate with, whether or not we can own a firearm, a pet, property... shall I go on?

"Incapable of being divided."

Too late to lay the wreath at the grave of Indivisibility.

"The right and power to live one's own life without threats, fear, or some sort of retaliation."

How many locks do you have on your door? How many gunshots do you hear at night? Do you know anyone who has not been the victim of a crime? Anyone?

"The principles or quality of dealing fairly with others."

Justice is a hollow shell. Trial lawyers extort money from good people; victims fight for simple rights; who has your social security number?

"It's as much your country as it is mine."

Unless you're George Soros and can buy elections.....

"Under God. Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that were a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools, too?"

Rest in peace, Red. You lived in better times. You didn't have to see the day your America became a mockery of all you hold dear.

Liberals have a lot to answer for.



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