Why There Are Tea Parties
- "This [tea party] initiative is funded by the high end — we call call it astroturf, it’s not really a grassroots movement."
-House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA)
In one sentence Pelosi has explained the Tea Party Movement; why it was started, why it will grow. She has given the clearest example yet of why Americans - both Republicans and Democrats - are fed up with the power-mad career politicians in Washington, their incompetence, and their contempt for middle America.
"...is funded by the high end..." - Unlike the hard left, which gets its money from provocateurs like George Soros, The Tea Party Movement isn't funded by any person or PAC. Those who promote it use their own blogs; their own cell phones and email accounts. They pay for the gas to get to the events themselves. They made their own signs by hand - they're not mass-printed like ACORN signs.
Pelosi, quite simply, is parroting left-wing talking points. They are lies and are nothing more than an attempt at making this movement look like something it's not: robots taking marching orders from grafters.
"...we call it astroturf...." - Pelosi is merely echoing the contempt felt by all on the left for anyone who doesn't believe in their Utopian dreamworld. Just as MSNBC and CNN reporters called Tea Party protesters "Teabaggers" - a reference to a homosexual sex act (think about it and you'll figure it out), and a word the protesters never used for themselves - Pelosi can't help but belittle middle America.
Remember, when the anointed are backed into a corner their only response is to lash out. Trust me, the left doesn't want to see this movement grow - they truly fear it. They can smell the brewing voter backlash in 2010. However, those who make such insulting statements are too stupid to realize that their words only anger Americans more, and thus swell the number of Tea Party participants.
"...it’s not really a grassroots movement." - As much a bald-faced lie as wishful thinking. The left doesn't really understand grassroots movements, because most of their cause-oriented groups are derivatives of the left's power structure. People with big bucks at the top pulling the strings of sincere but misinformed people at the bottom.
Since this is how they work, they automatically assume that the Tea Party movement has the same structure. It doesn't. It's a true groundswell of anger by Americans who are fed up with the Washington Status Quo.
And this is what career politicians in Washington fear most: that they will lose their lifetime tenure, their spendthrift power base, and their grip on the mainstream media. The above sign offers the only real solution: term limits for Congress, both the Senate and the House.
However, reality tells us that will never happen, because term limits can only be imposed by a Constitutional Amendment, and Amendments are written by the Senate then passed onto the states for ratification. This government will never cut themselves off from their power.
Americans are finally seeing the light... are finally getting fed up.
This has only just begun.
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