David Zucker, Hollywood filmmaker best known for the "Airplane" movie series, has produced a hilarious video criticizing the Left's (and specifically the Clinton's) appeasment of world thugs:
Of course, the outcome of this appeasement is obvious; just look around you.
Zucker offered this to the Republican Party, but they thought the video too controversial.
It's a pity, really, because this video really hits Democrats where it hurts. So much so, in fact, that they are launching a campaign to censor the video on YouTube!
Read the speech. The first thing you will notice is that this speech, contrary to what most in the media would have you believe, was NOT solely a criticism of Islam. And, the section of the speech that got the Pope into the most trouble - "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached". - was not the original thought of benedict XVI, but was a direct quote from Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus in 1391 to a representative of Islam!
The reaction from Islam was quick and predictable:
Islam responded in its typical manner: killing people and blowing up things.
If Muslims were outraged that the Pope was quoting a historical fact detailing the violent nature of Islam, they couldn't have done more to prove his point - and the point of Manuel II - than to react in the way they did.
OK, now the easy stuff is over here - what follows is the difficult stuff. It's not difficult to understand, but it's difficult to see - and for some, astonishingly - difficult to accept.
So, here's the warning:
You are going to see images of Islam. They are violent, bloody, and disturbing. But, they are Islam. This is the faith that a professional I knew in 1986 said, "The only religion I cannot accept in practice is Islam." I didn't know what he meant then. I do now.
Islam seeks to conquer the world. Don't believe it? Look at this:
The green area of the big map consists of current Islamic States, which rule primarily by Shiriah Law. See the little map in the lower right? That's the goal. And Islam is DEADLY serious about this.
How does Islam plan to accomplish this feat? Simple: through violence. Just as Mohammad turned the latter-half of his leadership into a violent crusade to conquer all adjacent lands and peoples in the name of Allah, Jihadists today plan nothing short of international genocide to acheive their aims.
They have been doing this for centuries. The last 40 years have seen a vast increase in thie behavior, particularly against the West (make no mistake, though: Islam is just as brutal against Arabs who do not bow to it's doctrines).
Now, CAIR (The Council for American-Islamic Relations) would have you believe that the West is undertaking a vast campaign to malign Islam.
What you will find is an extensive list of violence BY Muslims AGAINST innocent people, both Westerners and Arabs.
Still not convinced? Here's where things get really nasty. What follows are pictures of Islamic violence. This is the face of Islam we hear about daily, but don't often see.
Brace yourselves.
A man being beheaded by Muslims
The aftermath being held up by the proud murders (notice the voctims are ALWAYS bound):
Paul Johnson before his beheading.
Children murdered - the Beslan school massacre.
Spain Train attack victim.
Nairobi bombing.
Indonesian bombing.
Damascus embassy bombing.
Assyrian Church bombing.
Proud murderers.
Bus bombing in London.
Kenya bombing.
Training Muslim children to hate and kill.
He wants you dead.
These pictures constitute a miniscule portion of the violence of Islam. It is evidence of crimes against humanity.
Is Islam a "religion of peace"? You be the judge. One thing is clear, though. Islam must apologize for its behavior and begin to repair the damage it has cost. Make atonement for the millions of innocent lives it has taken.
And it must reform. Those who call themselves "moderate Muslims" MUST wrest control of their faith from the killers. If they do not, then they will stand in stark relief as supporters of this carnage.
If Islam does not repent, reform, and ask the rest of the world to forgive it's many, many crimes, then it must go.