
Crocodile Tears

After she lost the Iowa Caucuses, Hillary Clinton slouched into New Hampshire and cried - right there in front of America and everyone, she let a few choice tears slip when explaining how she does everything for her "love for America."

While the rest of the country was moaning, "Puleeeze....", New Hampshirites took the bait and gave her a victory.

Well, it seems Hillary is taking her New Hampshire strategy to heart. This photo was posted on the internet one day after she got her butt kicked in South Carolina.

Hillary is wasting no time playing the Tear Card. She's hoping that this act can carry her through Super Tuesday with enough delegates to put Obama back on his heels.

It's an act that has worn thin, though, mostly because we don't believe she is in the least sincere. If she thinks her veil of false tears can sway the rest of America, she's mistaken.

"Live Free Or Cry" indeed.



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