The Real Hillary
As most of us who have kept a close eye on the Clintons throughout the years expected, Hillary has spent a great deal of time, energy, and money over the past three years trying to re-cast herself as a middle-of-the-road, working politician; someone who embraces the truth, who is ready for the job, who - overall - can be Trusted.We've known for years that she is a pathological liar. Dick Morris list some of her many fabrications here. Yet, some still cling to the notion that these facts are nothing more than the inventions of her - created-from-whole-cloth - "vast right-wing conspiracy."
Yet, to the Clintons' dismay, our new political era has something that the early 90s did not: the internet. A device that caught Dan Rather in a career-ending lie; a device that continues to put any spin Hillary and her sycophants attempt to foist into the iron brakes of reality.
Consider the following. Hillary recently spoke of her trip to Bosnia in the late 1990s, and how that trip is yet "another" proof of her readiness to lead. CBS News, apparently tired of carrying Clinton water, blew the lid off her lies about this trip in this video:
Watch it again. Do you see the bullets that Hillary says she was dodging? Do you catch her running from the plane to the safety of the vehicles? And how about that laughable "explanation" from one of her staffers?
This is the real Hillary Clinton; the one we have known about for years; the one trying to hide behind a transparent veneer of new-found respectability.
The more she attempts to cover herself in this veneer, the more of the real Hillary we see.
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