
Biden [bide'-n]: -noun: to make a gross or stupid mistake, esp. through carelessness or mental confusion.

This video pretty much slam-dunks VP Biden's incredible factual error in his attempt to discredit Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's Republican repsonse to Obama's Wednesday night speech. In doing so, Biden makes a fool of himself, and his attitude is supremely smug and condescending.

Watch the video.

This is your government, America. From a congress the smiles as it plunges our children into a national debt they will never be able to repay, to a president who is so over his head in the job as President that he spends most of his time making speeches rather than rolling up his sleeves, getting down to work, and LEADING.

Hey it worked in the campaign, didn't it? Obfuscate and misdirect... So, I guess as far as this administration is concerned, the campaign is not over. The speeches, the endless lies and distortions, the arrogance, the opacity of their policies and personal lives (as opposed to their continued promise of "transparency") will continue unchallenged by the MSM.

If Dan Quayle had said what Biden said, every news outfit in America would be screaming for his resignation. Biden? phuph.... everyone knows he is a buffoon, but he is a LIBERAL buffoon, so we can tolerate him.

How long will America tolerate this extraordinarily incompetent bunch of clowns?


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