
Who Is John Galt?

Unlike any other period in its past, our nation stands in the middle of a profound crossroads. On the one hand we have a road that leads to the individual, whose freedom and determination are allowed to continue America's economic and social prosperity.

Thanks to decades of Public School and University indoctrination from the hard left, the other road - unthinkable only 50 years ago - is now open to us: the path to the collectivist state, where everyone works for the government, a government that decides which freedoms we keep and which we lose.

Judging from Obama's first 30 days in office, it's clear that He and his Democrat cohorts in Washington want to take us down the collectivist path. Yet, if we look closely at history in an undoctored and truthful way, we see that this road - the Socialist road - only leads to ruin. The litter of Eastern Europe, the mass graves of the USSR and China... these are warnings we should heed.

However, thanks to a carefully crafted re-write of the 20th century by eduction professional apologists of Socialist policy, our citizens are increasingly unaware of the perils of the Socialist Road. They see the free handout, not the chains that come with it.

The road of individual freedom is truly becoming the Road Less Traveled, and it is up to those who value it to come to its defense, however fraught with danger that defense may be. Cowardice is no longer an option.

It's time for someone to truly "stop the motor of the world," and shake the foundations of our current government. Who will that be?

Who is John Galt?

We need him now.



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