Well, it took him more than a couple of weeks, but The Obama has finally stepped up to some sort of microphone - no doubt with the aide of a teleprompter - and has commented on the statement made by his Attorney General that when it comes to matters of race, American is a "nation of cowards."At first The Obama's willingness to let Eric Holder's comment slide seemed appropriate. After all, he was perfectly willing to use the race card during the campaign - albeit through others - in deflecting criticism of his "policy" proposals. You know the drill: change the subject in order not to answer the question, and use race as a defense. It's the Liberals' favorite debate tactic.
"Well, you don't like Obama's ideas on economic policy because he's black."
So the only conclusion one can draw from The Obama's silence over Holder's blatantly racist and wrong statement is that he agreed with it. We are - in his opinion - truly a nation of cowards when it comes to race. Forget the fact that Americans elected a black to the highest office in the world. That's irrelevant.
We need to keep Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in business, guys. Let's not lay down the mantra...
However, criticism of Holder's comment just keeps hanging on, and The Obama is forced to look it in the face.
- “I think it’s fair to say that if I had been advising my attorney general, we would have used different language,” Mr. Obama said in a mild rebuke from America’s first black president to its first black attorney general.
Two things to take away from this comment.
1. The timing. How busy can Obama be that it would take him weeks to put out the brush fire that's been undercutting Holder's credibility? He waited too long. If he was truly on top of things - truly a manager - he would have put this thing to rest immediately. He didn't, so he either agreed with Holder, or he is a terrible manager. Either answer is very unsettling.
2. "..if I had been advising." Shouldn't he be advising Holder on a regular basis? Isn't that his job as leader of his administration; or is his administration careening willy-nilly down the hill with no one at the wheel?
In the less than two months The Obama has been in power we have not had a single scrap of evidence that his staff consists of anyone of quality who is capable of the job they are assigned, particularly POTUS himself. Until some semblance of professionalism creeps into this circus, the American people are left without any shred of hope on which to hang our future.
Just look at the stock market.....
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