How To Get Followed On Twitter
I avoided Twitter like the plague for months. Then I took the plunge, just to check out something for work. For the last four weeks I have been immersed in this interesting online community, and while I may still be considered a neophyte by some, I have learned a few basic rules if you want people to follow you.1. Upload An Avatar Picture - Most people won't follow someone without an Avatar, unless they know them personally.
2. Follow People Who Follow You - Keep your "Follows" to "Followers" ratio close. You may have some bumps when you hit Twitters limits, but you'll get over these.
3. ENGAGE! - This is huge. Don't just continually Tweet about your MLM (I delete MLMers, BTW), or your blog, or your business. Talk to people. Get to know them. Make it personal. This will be a big plus on Follow Fridays!
4. Follow Fridays - Since I mentioned this, I'll explain it. On Fridays Twitterers refer people they're following to others who are following THEM. And the general rule of courtesy is this: if you suggest people for YOUR followers to follow, those people will suggest YOU to their followers. Return the favor! You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
5. Re-Tweet - Another BIGGIE. If you find a Tweet that you like, Re-Tweet it! This is simple using TweetDeck or Seesmic. This way that cool Tweet will now be seen you all of YOUR followers. This works like Follow Fridays: you will notice people will start Re-Tweeting YOUR posts, and you will get new followers.
6. Find Cool Stuff to Share - If all you're going to do is talk about your dog, that meeting you were in, or what you're making for dinner, expect to fail on Twitter. Find cool stuff on the internet and SHARE IT with your followers. Use the URL shortening tools in TweetDeck and Seesmic. You will get Re-Tweeted. And followed.
7. Be Nice - Be courteous, respectful, and - yes, playful! Have fun. There are a LOT of cool people out there, and you just might make some good friends! That's why I'm in it!