Jon Elliot, radio host for Air America, got caught with his pants firmly around his ankles on Tuesday when he accused right-wingers of the non-existent attack on his fellow AAR host, Randi Rhodes (see yesterday's blog). He said, "Is this an attempt by the right wing hate machine to silence one of our own? Are we threatening them? Are they afraid that we're winning? Are they trying to silence intimidate us [sic]?"
Well, as we now know, Randi fell on her face while walking her dog. No attack.
So, Jon released the following apology:
"I shouldn't have speculated based on hearsay that Randi Rhodes had been mugged and that it may have been an attack from a right wing hate machine. I apologize for jumping to conclusions based on an emotional reaction"
Well said, and we must applaud Jon for his willingness to admit his mistake and apologize. That takes guts, not just only on the left, but on the right, too.
But, unlike the call from race pimps for the firing of Imus after his "nappy-headed hos" remark, don't expect calls for Elliot's ouster from AA to be heeded, or even publicly acknowledged.
Let's see what those on Randi's blog have to say about this. First, the die-hards:
"It is SOOO tempting, out of sheer frustration but also relief at Randi's relative well-being at this point, in the face of so much conflicting information, to draw conclusions and fall into the trap the right-wing satanics always have laid for us." -scottymac54
"However, I believe he [Elliot] did say that she was attacked. I have no problem with those that believed that report and then posed theories about the possible motivation/perpetrator(s). He is a host of a show that seemed to have knowledge about something that happened. Why should we think he was lying about it? When new information came out, we adjusted. That all seems appropriate to me. You take the evidence you have and use your best judgment as to it's credibility.
Also bear in mind that we still don't know for sure that she wasn't attacked or by whom. The way this whole thing was handled and the various statements just don't pass the smell test. Something is just off."
OK, enough of the hate-mongers. There are actually some on Randi's blog who get the bigger picture:
"THIS NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED. If AAR had a frickin clue, this whole incident would have died a natural quick death. Shame on you AAR!" -RAD4155
"and, again, i'm not trying to offend or attack anyone. i just think it is important, to take a deep breath, take a few steps back and examine our own actions in this, and to admit that there were some reckless errors made in jumping to conclusions, and (more importantly) understand how/why those mistakes were made --- without trying to make justifications for our mistakes. and really, everywhere you went and posted things that are untrue, you should go back there with sincere apologies." -brooklynHero
Thanks RAD4155 and brooklynHero.
If the left had more people like you, there just might be hope of reaching some sort of middle-ground. Over a good stout, of course (I'll buy)!
It all started innocently enough. An item in a blog about talk radio: Randi Rhodes is the Victim of a Violent Attack. The story? "Randi Rhodes was mugged on Sunday night on 39th Street and Park Ave, nearby her Manhattan apartment, while she was walking her dog Simon."
A sad story, but, hey - it's New York. Hundreds of people get mugged there every day.
But, if you follow the left in America, you knew that this was going to be the start of something very special. Fellow Air America pol Jon Elliot, on his Tuesday show, lit the match:
"Is this an attempt by the right wing hate machine to silence one of our own? Are we threatening them? Are they afraid that we're winning? Are they trying to silence intimidate us [sic]?"
And the left-wing blogosphere threw on the gasoline.
First, these posts from Randi's program blog:
"What in god's name is this world coming to? If anyone thinks this was anything other than trying to SHUT HER UP then they are stupid. If it wasn't a basball [sic] bat then someone please tell me what it was that knocked out so many of her teeth." -fancypantselitist13
"Who would do this to her? Coulter?" -gabriel8888
"I don't think this was coulter [sic]. This was some crazed right winger though..." -fancypantselitist13
"It could be any one. Let's see, just this past week, Randi has unblinkingly applied pressure to Limbaugh, Coulter, Ghouliani, Blackwater - all thugs, mobsters, or whatever - hell, they're not kosher with the justice system." -egghead
"This is more than horrible. And I agree with the original poster, the message is clearly one of intimidation. Why else the concentration on her "mouth" area? These guys are thugs. No doubt. They use intimidation and even resort to beating up a woman. Guess they know they can't win on ethics, ideas or solid rational arguments so they stoop to this sort of thing." -gramsci
You can read all the nonsensical stuff on Randi's Blog.
Other bloggers picked up on the "news" right away. These, from "Think Progress," a site that calls itself "progressive" (code word for liberal):
"How much you wanna bet it was an O’Reilly listener(or a deranged idiot-there’s really not much difference..)" -whiteyfresh
"I really fear what is going to happen to our country when the Republicans are finally put in their place. I fear we are going to see a lot of violent incidents because these people are going to be looking for a way to vent their frustrations and with encouragement by the likes of Billo, Hannity and Malkin, it could get ugly." -bilbobaggins
"Rhodes was probably beaten up by some nutball in the Mallkin [sic] Mongoloid Mafia… thats the type of viscous [sic] rabid people they are.. Malkin herself has probably violated some RICO statutes with her campaign of stalking and intimidation…" -Chocolate Jesus
"A police source said Rhodes never filed a report and never claimed to be the victim of a mugging.
"Rhodes' lawyer Robert Gaulin told the Daily News she was injured in a fall while walking her dog, but she wasn't sure exactly what happened."
So, what's really going on here?
Evidently, nothing. Except the fact that Jon Elliot and thousands of hate-spewing left-wing kooks got their panties all in a wad and started making yet another "Right-Wing Conspiracy" theory out of whole cloth. Sound familiar? It should.
Now, the interesting this is, if you go back and read these threads through, you will see that they either 1. do NOT acknowledge their error and apologize to those they have falsely accused, or 2. they continue with their conspiracy theories, regardless of reality.
A good assessment of the whole situation can be read here: Mugged by Unreality.
This should be a salient reminder of who the REAL haters in this country are: the left. I've mentioned this fact before on this blog, and these people continue to prove me correct every time they open their mouths.
This is an importent lesson - think the Main Stream Press will pick up this story?
Well, by now you've heard about the controversy surrounding Rush Limbaugh over the alleged phrase "phony soldier." Liberals and their cohorts in the mainstream media want you to believe Rush said this in reference to ANY soldier who criticizes the war in Iraq.
That is a lie.
Rush was referring to a few people who NEVER went to Iraq, but who claim they DID, and who were "witness" to atrocities committed by U.S. troops against the Iraqi people; atrocities that NEVER HAPPENED.
Despite the fact that these phony soldiers have been outed by the press, and that Harry Reid and his Democrat Senator colleagues KNEW FULL WELL Rush was referring to the real phonies, NOT to legitimate soldiers who express their opinion about the war, Reid tried to push through a resolution in the SENATE condemning Limbaugh.
That failed. Reid's second-best effort resulted in a letter to Clear Channel, Rush's syndicator, demanding an apology by Rush. Clear Channel refused, and the CEO turned the letter over to Limbaugh.
In an absolutely BRILLIANT move, here's what Limbaugh is going to do with the letter: