
And You Thought "I Won" Was Bad

In the first two weeks of this running disaster known as The Obama Administration (excuse me while I rinse the bad taste from my mouth...), The One kept repeating to Republican leaders, "I won." It was his subtle, humble way of letting anyone who dared stand in the way of his socialist agenda know that he was President. He was going to get his way.

Pretty much the same thing you'd hear from second graders in the playground, but that point is beyond much of Obama's supporters, since they're still in the first grade.

I thought Obama had hit the pinnacle of arrogant self-aggrandizement when he said this, but I was wrong.

This past week Obama met with TV anchors at a White House lunch, and he actually had the temerity to say this:

    ...he likes being president. "And it turns out I'm very good at it," he added.

Been in office one month and already he's the expert. This despite the fact that he punted the entire Porkulous Bill to Pelosi and Reid - didn't write one sentence of the thing - has spent more than half the month away from the White House, which he called "confining", and has given more speeches than any other president in the same time period (30 days).

What he meant to say was, "I like campaigning, and it turns out I'm very good at it." Because that's precisely what he's been doing since he won the election: campaigning. He just can't stop, because it's all he knows how to do.


Never done it. Never even heard of it.

At least one of Obama's retinue has seen the light:

The Tea Party is just beginning, folks. Get on board!



Biden [bide'-n]: -noun: to make a gross or stupid mistake, esp. through carelessness or mental confusion.

This video pretty much slam-dunks VP Biden's incredible factual error in his attempt to discredit Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's Republican repsonse to Obama's Wednesday night speech. In doing so, Biden makes a fool of himself, and his attitude is supremely smug and condescending.

Watch the video.

This is your government, America. From a congress the smiles as it plunges our children into a national debt they will never be able to repay, to a president who is so over his head in the job as President that he spends most of his time making speeches rather than rolling up his sleeves, getting down to work, and LEADING.

Hey it worked in the campaign, didn't it? Obfuscate and misdirect... So, I guess as far as this administration is concerned, the campaign is not over. The speeches, the endless lies and distortions, the arrogance, the opacity of their policies and personal lives (as opposed to their continued promise of "transparency") will continue unchallenged by the MSM.

If Dan Quayle had said what Biden said, every news outfit in America would be screaming for his resignation. Biden? phuph.... everyone knows he is a buffoon, but he is a LIBERAL buffoon, so we can tolerate him.

How long will America tolerate this extraordinarily incompetent bunch of clowns?


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PETA Parroted



Who Is John Galt?

Unlike any other period in its past, our nation stands in the middle of a profound crossroads. On the one hand we have a road that leads to the individual, whose freedom and determination are allowed to continue America's economic and social prosperity.

Thanks to decades of Public School and University indoctrination from the hard left, the other road - unthinkable only 50 years ago - is now open to us: the path to the collectivist state, where everyone works for the government, a government that decides which freedoms we keep and which we lose.

Judging from Obama's first 30 days in office, it's clear that He and his Democrat cohorts in Washington want to take us down the collectivist path. Yet, if we look closely at history in an undoctored and truthful way, we see that this road - the Socialist road - only leads to ruin. The litter of Eastern Europe, the mass graves of the USSR and China... these are warnings we should heed.

However, thanks to a carefully crafted re-write of the 20th century by eduction professional apologists of Socialist policy, our citizens are increasingly unaware of the perils of the Socialist Road. They see the free handout, not the chains that come with it.

The road of individual freedom is truly becoming the Road Less Traveled, and it is up to those who value it to come to its defense, however fraught with danger that defense may be. Cowardice is no longer an option.

It's time for someone to truly "stop the motor of the world," and shake the foundations of our current government. Who will that be?

Who is John Galt?

We need him now.



The Circus Is In Town

This is the government we elected, people.

Reporterette: "...economic recovery package is going too fast, and maybe it won't be ready by the President's Day recess?"

Pelosi: "Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs. I don't think we can go fast enough to stop that." [emphasis added]

HINT: What's the current population of the United States? For those of you educated in government schools, here's the answer.

This is the government we elected.

President Obama to Water Down 'Buy American' Plan After EU Trade War Threat

    The European Union warned the US yesterday against plunging the world into depression by adopting a planned “Buy American” policy, intensifying fears of a trade war.

India warns Obama over Kashmir

    India has warned US President Barack Obama that he risks “barking up the wrong tree” if he seeks to broker a settlement between Pakistan and India over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

The Impending Obama Meltdown

    We are quite literally after two weeks teetering on an Obama implosion—and with no Dick Morris to bail him out—brought on by messianic delusions of grandeur, hubris, and a strange naivete that soaring rhetoric and a multiracial profile can add requisite cover to good old-fashioned Chicago politicking.

Daschle debacle humbles Obama

    The new president, seen by some as arrogant, was anything but on Tuesday.

This is the government we elected.

One would like to say that this is entertaining. However, we elected these people to run our government, not make fools out of our Country. The inexperience and deceitfulness of Obama, the ill-conceived corruption of those he has chosen to work with (and his acceptance of that corruption), the stupidity of Pelosi, the hubris of the Congressional pork project disguised as an "economic stimulus package".... We have had ample evidence over the past two years that these people know nothing of leadership. Yet, we have elected them to be our leaders.

This is the government we elected... we have only ourselves to blame.
